Subject: [rec.scouting.usa] Commonly asked questions (FAQ 4) Part 1 Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU From: Bill Nelson Newsgroups: rec.scouting.usa,rec.answers,news.answers Organization: U.S. Scouting Service Project ( Frequency: Weekly Archive-name: scouting/rec.scouting.usa/part1 Last-Modified: 1996/11/27 The FAQs are archived at: Recent changes: Added info on the Girl Scout Resources Center Added info on District and Council Volunteer Scouters Added info on where to find software for unit management TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= 1 - General Introduction -- rec.scouting.usa 2 - Etiquette Guidelines 3 - Some Frequently Asked Questions Is this where I can get official information? Is there official information on the net? Where do I sew (or hang) this on the uniform. Where can I find unofficial (but useful) information? Where I can get clipart and fonts? I hear there is a boy who is collecting business cards to collect the most in the world, before he dies, is this true? Where can I find information on how the BSA is organized? Where can I get official BSA literature & catalog? What is the proper etiquette for the US Flag, and some ceremonies? Where can a list of addresses of sources that will send letters to boys that make Eagle? Can Cub Scouts or Webelos Camp? What are some unauthorized or restricted BSA activities? Subject: General Introduction -- rec.scouting.usa Welcome to rec.scouting.usa, the newsgroup for boy and girl scouts, cub scouts, explorers, venturers, scout leaders and all people interested in scouting and guiding, within the United States of America. The rec.scouting.usa newsgroup provides a forum for the discussion of program, membership, finance, and unit support topics related to the scouting programs in the United States, and in areas where the USA's scouting programs are carried out around the world. Such topics include but are not restricted to discussion of the GSUSA Gold Award, WEBELOS BSA Cub Scout program, the BSA Eagle Scout rank, general US outdoor and community activity ideas, memorabilia trading and explanation, and other topics. This group discusses issues relevant to the program, unit support, finance, membership development and the administration of scout units. It allows for the solicitation of advice and information from other netters on what to do in certain situations, and generally seek and provide support, general information and encouragement regarding scouting. This newsgroup is NOT the place for discussions on scouting ISSUES, for instance, issues related to girls in the boy scout program, whether or not Assembly of God churches should abandon the Boy Scouts of America's programs in favor of the Royal Rangers, or open homosexual members as members or leaders in BSA programs. Those discussions will take place on rec.scouting.issues, and those posting to this newsgroup will be followed or redirected to rec.scouting.issues. Please see FAQ #1 for our charter and important information about all the rec.scouting.* groups. This document introduces new readers to the preferred Etiquette for rec.scouting.usa and to the compilation of files of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). If you have a useful item that hasn't been included in this FAQ, please do all of us the favor. Write it up and post it on rec.scouting.usa. Drop me a copy too to make sure that I include it in this file. As the FAQ files are updated regularly, make sure that you have the latest copy in your hands. The release date of this FAQ is indicated in the line starting with "Last-Modified:" at the top of this file. Files older than three months should be considered as outdated. This file or parts of it may be freely used, printed and re-distributed as long as you enclose this paragraph and keep the references to the respective contributors and to the maintainer (listed below) intact. -- Bill Nelson ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Etiquette Guidelines -- Rec.scouting.issues From: Bill Nelson Date: 30 April 1996 *** ETIQUETTE GUIDELINES *** Before reading any further, please go to the newsgroup news.announce.newusers and read the posting: Rules for posting to Usenet. That message describes some of the rules of conduct on Usenet. Posters to the rec.scouting* hierarchy are expected to follow these rules. Read also the rec.scouting.* FAQ #1 which contains our charter and Etiquette guidelines specific to the rec.scouting* hierarchy. o Please remember the scope of this newsgroup is to discuss PROGRAM topics related to scouting and US youth organization, *not* issues. If you find that your discussion is going outside of this scope, please take it to another group or off-line. rec.scouting.issues is specifically setup to handle political issues related to scouting and guiding. Please post controversial topics there. o In short, rec.scouting.usa is for questions, and discussions about topics specific to the USA. IT IS NOT A BSA ONLY GROUP! If your topic is not relevant to just the USA then use another group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Is this where I can get official information? From: Bill Nelson Date: 27 April 1996 Q. Is this where I can obtain official information from my scouting organization? A. No, official information from organizations is not normally communicated via rec.scouting.usa. Contact your local organization for official information and council. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Is there official information on the net? From: Bill Nelson Date: 27 August 1996 Q. Do scouting organizations have official information on the net? A. Yes, but there are not many sources for official information. Here are the ones we know about: Web pages: The BSA home page is at: The GSUSA home page is at The WOSM Web page is at: The WAGGGS Web page is at: Christian Service Brigade is at: Royal Rangers is at: Newsgroups or email lists: BSA: none, it is recommended that you contact your local council. GSUSA: unknown Christian Service Brigade: Royal Rangers: Direct email addresses: BSA: none, it is recommended that you contact your local council. GSUSA: unknown WOSM: WAGGGS: unknown Christian Service Brigade: Royal Rangers: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Where do I sew (or hang) this on the uniform? From: Bill Nelson Date: 5 May 1996 Q. Where do I sew (or hang) this? A. Organizations keep official guides for uniforming. Usually, if it is not detailed in the uniform guide, it should not be worn on the uniform. The BSA *Insignia Guide* details where to put just about everything on the BSA uniform for both adults and scouts. It is very inexpensive, and available at your local Scout Shop. Every unit should purchase at least one each year, since it is updated on an annual basis. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: OK, where can I find unofficial (but useful) information then? From: Bill Nelson Date: 23 Nov 1996 Q. OK, where else can I find unofficial information then? A. There are plenty of places on the net to find unofficial information on US scouting organizations. For a few starting places see: (mostly Boy Scouting) (mostly Boy Scouting) (mostly Girl Scouting) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Where can I find information on how the BSA is organized? From: Bill Nelson Date: 5 May 1996 Q. Where can I find information on how the BSA is organized? A. The BSA has a number of publications that contain its organization. All are available to the general public from your nearby Scout Shop. Check: The Cub Scout Leader Book and The Troop Committee Guidebook An unofficial description is available at: Also see: Where can I get official BSA literature & catalog? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Where can I get official BSA literature & catalog? From: Bill Nelson Date: 5 May 1996 Q. Where can I get official BSA literature & catalog? A. All BSA literature is listed in a guide called Scouting's Library of Literature (70-080) The BSA Catalog has BSA supplies and equipment. They are available free from: BSA Supply Division National Distribution Cntr. 2109 Westinghouse Blvd., P.O. Box 7143 Charlotte, NC 28241-7143 1-800-323-0732 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Where can I go for info on the proper etiquette for the US Flag, and some ceremonies? From: Bill Nelson Date: 10 May 1996 Q. Where can I go for info on the proper etiquette for the US Flag, and some ceremonies? A. From the home page, click on the US Flag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Where can a list of addresses of sources that will send letters to boys that make Eagle? From: (Mike Walton (Settummanque, the blackeagle)) Date: Mon May 13 10:09:27 1996 Q. Where can a list of addresses of any groups, agencies, or government sources that will send commendations to boys that make Eagle? On the Scouts-L listserver (see FAQ #5) as well as the US Scouting Service Web site ( are of organizations and people that have sent letters or other items to new Eagle Scouts and new Gold Scouts. There's also a copy of a posting I made about two years back which talks about asking for "additional honors" on US Scouting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Can Cub Scouts / Webelos camp? From: Bill Nelson Date: 10 May 1996 Q. Where can I go to find out if my BSA Cub Scouts or Webelos can camp? A. First take a look at your Cub Scout Leader Book in Chapter 5. Then go to your Council Program Office. It is the official source for this information. Different Councils have different local policies, so it is wise to check with them. The BSA policy is stated in the Guide to Safe Scouting, which is available at your scout shop. An unofficial on-line version is at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Are there restricted or unauthorized BSA activities? From: Bill Nelson Date: 10 Aug 1996 Q. Are there restricted or unauthorized BSA activities? A. The following activities have been declared unauthorized and restricted by the Boy Scouts of America: * All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) -- unauthorized. * Boxing, karate, and related martial arts -- unauthorized. * Chainsaws and mechanical log splitters (trained and over the age of 18) * Exploration of abandoned mines -- unauthorized. * Varsity football teams and interscholastic or club football -- unauthorized. * Fireworks secured, used, or displayed in conjunction with program and activities is unauthorized except where the fireworks display is conducted under the auspices of a certified or licensed fireworks control expert. * The selling of fireworks as a fundraising or money-earning activity by any group acting for or on behalf of members, units, or districts may not be authorized by councils. * Flying in hang gliders, ultralights, experimental class aircraft, hot-air balloons, parachuting, and flying in aircraft as part of a search and rescue mission -- unauthorized. * Motorized go-carts and motorbike activities are unauthorized for Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs. All motorized speed events, including motorcycles, boats, drag racing, demolition derbies, and related events, are not authorized activities for any program level. * Participation in amateur or professional rodeo events -- unauthorized. * The activity commonly referred to as "War Games"--in which individuals shoot paint or dye at one another-- -- unauthorized. * Hunting is not an authorized Cub Scout or Boy Scout activity * Motorized personal watercraft, such as jet-skis -- unauthorized. * Except for very specific cases firearms should not be in the possession of any person engaged in camping, hiking, backpacking, or any other Scouting activity other than those specifically planned for target shooting under the supervision of a certified firearms instructor. (Among the purposes of this policy is to prohibit adult leaders from bringing firearms on BSA camping and hiking activities or to unit meetings.) * Parasailing, or any activity in which a person is carried aloft by a parachute, parasail, kite, or other device towed by a motorboat or by any other means, is unauthorized. * All activities related to bungee cord jumping (sometimes called shock cord jumping) are unauthorized. * Use of Carbon tetrachloride The BSA policy is stated in the Guide to Safe Scouting, which is available at your scout shop. An unofficial on-line version is at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: What do BSA District and Council Volunteer Scouters do? From: Bill Nelson Date: 27 Nov 1996 Q. What do BSA District and Council Volunteer Scouters do? A. Go to your Scout Shop and ask for a Commissioner Job Description Card BSA No 4265A. A summary of the BSA organizational structue is at: Steve Henning posted the following good summary: There are many District positions that the rest of us can serve in to help these people Deliver The Promise. These positions include: Commissioners (Unit Commissioners, Assistant District Commissioners, District Commissioners) are responsible to provide service to units. This service includes rechartering, charter partner relations, problem solving for units, insuring that Units meet national standards, and providing information about training, camping and activities. All Commissioners are selected by the District Commissioner, recommended by the Scout Executive, and approved by the Council Executive Board. Members of District Committees are responsible to start new units; to assist with recruiting youth and adult members; raising funds for recruiting, training and camping facilities; providing recruiting, training and camping opportunities; providing opportunities for unit fund raising; and arranging activities. All members of the District Committees are elected by the Charter Representatives and Members At Large, and serve at the pleasure of the District Chairman who is also elected by the Charter Representatives and Members At Large, and approved by the Council Executive Board. The council executive board which is responsible for controlling the expenditure of council funds and making all policies in the council. The executive board is elected by the Charter Representatives and Members At Large. The professional Scouters are in place to assist in recruiting, training and motivating Scouters for all of the other positions. A professional Scouter who has done his job properly has nothing to do, since the volunteer Scouters he recruited, trained and motivated are responsible to do everything else. Realistically the professional Scouter spends much time making sure that all of the various jobs the volunteers are doing are completed successfully. -- Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Where can I find samples of unit management software? From: Bill Nelson Date: 27 Nov 1996 Q. Where can I find samples of unit management software? A. A number of web sites have links: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of rec.scouting.usa FAQ **************************