Subject: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the Internet (FAQ 5) Organization: U.S. Scouting Service Project ( Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU Newsgroups: rec.scouting.misc,rec.scouting.usa,,rec.answers,news.answers Followup-to: rec.scouting.misc Archive-name: scouting/internet Last-Modified: 5 March 1997 The FAQs are archived at: FAQ #5 - Scouting on the Internet To include IRC, JOTA/JOTI, and the Scouting mailing lists See FAQ #6 for information on the World Wide Web. Recent Changes: added Scouts-IT Aperta agli scout italiani di qualsiasi associazione. added Scouts-UMC United Methodist Church Scouting List TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= * Alpha Phi Omega - APO-L * Arrow-L: Membership limited to members of Order of the Arrow * DPRV-L: Des Plaines River Valley List * E-Scouts: Open to all Youth Serving Organizations - Focus on Information Technology * Explorer-Net: For all Explorers * Jambo 97: Devoted to Discussion on Preparation for the 1997 National Jamboree * J-Scout: For Jewish Scouts, Open to All Scouts * Patch -L: For Scout and Guide Patch Traders * pfadi-liste: For german-speaking Scouts * Philmont's PSA-List: For Philmont Staff and Alumni * Scouts Canada: Open to all Scouts - Focus on Scouts Canada * Scouts Espanol: Lista de Distribucion Sobre Escultismo & Guidismo en Espanol * Scouting-Europe: Open to all Scouts and Guides - focus on European Community * Scouts-Girls-L: For GSUSA members * Scouts-IT: Aperta agli scout italiani di qualsiasi associazione * Scouts-L: Open to all Youth Serving Organizations - Primarily BSA * Scouts-NL: Open to all Scouts - Netherlands - Dutch and English Lanaguages * Scouts-UMC: United Methodist Church Scouting List * WAGGGS-L: World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: ALPHA PHI OMEGA APO-L DISCUSSION GROUP This discussion group deals specifically with Alpha Phi Omega, the National Co-ed Service Fraternity founded upon the principles of Scouting Service. To subscribe to the discussions, send a note to LISTSERV@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU with the following single line in the body of the message: SIGNON APO-L your-real-name with your name substituted appropriately. To send messages to other members of the list, send your message to APO-L@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU and it will be distributed for you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: ARROW-L DISCUSSION GROUP There is a mail list similar to Scouts-L, centered on Order of the Arrow. This is a separate subscription service restricted to members of the Order. To subscribe, send an e-mail message LISTSERV@TCU.EDU with the message: subscribe Arrow-L Your-First-Name Your-Last-Name . You will automatically receive a questionaire asking for some information from you to authenticate your membership in the Order of the Arrow. After authentication, you will be added to the list. You will then communicate with the list via ARROW-L@TCU.EDU Many thanks go to Nathan Brindle for getting the list set up and for volunteering to do the work necessary to keep it working smoothly. If you have any questions about ARROW-L feel free to e-mail Nathan Brindle at He and the other 20 or so listowners will try to help you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: DPRV-L DPRV-L is an e-mail discussion group for scouts and scouters who do their scouting in the DesPlaines River Valley in the suburban area along the near west side of Chicago. While similar in purpose to the Scouting forums on the Internet (SCOUTS-L Discussion list and 'rec.scouting' on usenet) as well as interest group forums on services like CompuServe (CIS) and America OnLine (AOL), the DPRV-L List will focus primarily on the geographic region of the DesPlaines River Valley area of Northeastern Illinois. The DPRV-L discussion list is an open forum for youth and adults with an interest in Scouting. This group provides opportunities for members to interact, to compare notes and seek ideas on their programs, discuss organizational concerns, and communicate with other members nearby. Feel free to discuss any topic regarding your own experiences in Scouting. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: (CompuServe users: The subject line is not important, but you can use "join" The one-line text of your message is: SUBSCRIBE DPRV-L your name Please use your real name, as you want others on the list to know you. Do not use your userID, as the LISTSERV(tm) program already knows that. You will quickly (5 min usually) receive a confirming message to test the accuracy of your email address. Follow the instructions of your mailer program to REPLY to that msg and then you will soon receive the List Welcome message. Please read it carefully. At this point you have become an official member of the DPRV-L List. Your fellow scouts and scouters welcome you to our virtual campfire. For more information write a message to: Your message will be read and responded to by the List Owner(s) who are real people, not computer programs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: E-SCOUTS DISCUSSION GROUP E-Scouts is a listserver mailing/discussion list for Scouters interested in developing electronic Scouting. Its members are drawn primarily from subscribers to Scouts-L, but any Scouter may join the list. To subscribe to E-Scouts, send a email message to with the one line message SUB E-SCOUTS your name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: EXPLORER-NET Explorer-Net is an e-mail discussion group devoted to the promotion of Exploring programs. To subscribe to Explorer-Net send an e-mail to: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: JAMBO97 LIST The Jambo97 Discussion Group/List is an offshoot of Scouts-L and was developed to assist Scouters making preparations for attending Boy Scouts of America's 1997 National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. Membership is currently limited to invitees while the bugs are worked out. Within a month membership should be open to all Scouters. To subscribe send an e-mail to: MAJORDOMO@HOPLITE.ORG Ignore the subject line and insert the following message: Subscribe jambo97 First Name, Last Name Messages to the list should be sent to: JAMBO97@HOPLITE.ORG If you would like to see a color scan of the actual 1997 National Jamboree Patch, you can find it on the World Wide Web at this URL: provided courtesy of Keven Doyle (Aloha Council) and Mike Montoya (Ventura County Council and page developer). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: J-SCOUT LIST The National Jewish Scouting Committee will use the J-Scout list to announce various programs it is producing, such as the new religious emblem for older Boy Scouts and Explorers, regional kinusim, kosher Wood Badge and other training courses, scholarships, and other awards. Other Jewish Scouting organizations are invited to use the list in the same manner. It is not necessary to be Jewish to subscribe. To subscribe to the J-Scouts mailing/ discussion list, send an e-mail message to: with the one-line message: subscribe j-scouts your name where "your name" is your real name. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: PATCH-L LIST Patch-L is a very new list intended for the trading of all insignia related to the Scouting movement. If you would like to become a member, send a message to: LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU with the message body containing the following line: SUBSCRIBE PATCH-L your-first-name your-last-name A questionaire will be sent to you asking your affiliation, location and how long you have been trading. After you return the questionaire, you will be added to the list. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: pfadi-liste The pfadi-liste discussion list targets german-speaking Scouters. If you want to subscribe to the pfadi-liste, simply send an email to: The subject line MUST CONTAIN ONE WORD ONLY: subscribe That's it. You should get a reply from the listserver telling you wether the subscription request was successful. If you did something wrong the server will try to help you. The listowner is Lars von Olleschik ( DPSG - Dioezesanverband Muenster, Oeffentlichkeits-AK Die Mailing-Liste pfadi-liste richtet sich an deutschsprachige PfadfinderInnen und LeiterInnen. Zum Abonnieren der pfadi-liste brauchst Du nur ein e-mail zu schicken an: Im Subject (Betreff) der Nachricht darf nur das Wort subscribe stehen, ansonsten muss die Nachricht leer sein. Das ist alles. Du solltest dann vom Listerserver eine Antwort erhalten, ob die Subskription erfolgreich war. Bei Fehler wird der Server versuchen, Dir zu helfen. Listowner ("Listenmanager") ist Lars von Olleschik ( DPSG - Dioezesanverband Muenster, Oeffentlichkeits-AK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: PHILMONT DISCUSSION GROUP PSA-LIST on - Philmont Staff Association is an open, unmoderated discussion list for current and former staff of the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM. Discussions about ranch experiences, favorite camps, and general information on Scouting are encouraged. Archives of PSA-LIST mail items are kept in monthly files. You may obtain a list files in the archives by sending the command INDEX PSA-LIST in the BODY of e-mail to on the internet. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: on the Internet: with the following command in the BODY SUBSCRIBE PSA-LIST or ADD your email address PSA-LIST Use the second syntax if your From: address is not the the one you want the listserv to mail to. For example: ADD PSA-LIST Owner: Jay Jolicoeur ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: SCOUTING-CANADA CAN.SCOUT-GUIDE NEWSGROUP The newsgroup CAN.SCOUT-GUIDE focuses its attention on program ideas and discussion on the various Scouting and Guiding programs offered in Canada. Discussion in French or English is encouraged! For more information contact Robert Craig, Carleton University Library, Ottawa, Canada or send an e-mail to He can also be reached at 613-567-6771 (home) or 613-788-2600 ext 2728 (work). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: SCOUTING-ES: LISTA DE DISTRIBUCION SOBRE ESCULTISMO Y GUIDISMO EN ESPANOL Introduccion: Esta lista de distribuci=DBn pretende ser un foro de communicaci=DBn a travs de la Internet para todos los Scout Y as hispano-hablantes. No Se trata de ning=99n mecanismo oficial, sino de una iniciativa que se lanza al mundo Scout/Gu=CCa sin mayores pretensiones que las de ser til. En el momento en que exista alguna lista "oficial" con caracter=CCsticas similares, esta lista de distribuci=DBn desparecer, y sus miembros pasar=B7n a formar parte de la nueva lista. Motivacion: Segn los datos que hay por ah (de 1.989) somos de 200.000 los scouts (sin contar las guas -- ya que no tenemos datos--) que vivimos en pases hispano-hablantes. Si aadimos todos aquellos quue habitan en otros pases y hblan espaol (fundamentalmente en U.S.A.), podemos tener una masa critca suficiente como para que esta lista de distribucin sea activa. Objectivos: Los objetivos iniciales que tiene la lista son (aunque no se limita a ellos): * Permitir contactos entre scouts y guas de distintos pases, expresdose en su lengua materna (o, al menos, para las comunidadesses bilingues, en una lengua que conoce bien) * Intercambio de informacin sobre mtodos, formas de funcionamiento, etc. . . . * Intercambio de proyectos realizados. * Anuncio de actividades * Intercambio de todo tipo de documentacin * Opinin sobre temas Scout, Gua sobre cualquier tema de internacional (no son temas Scout/Gua?) * Y, en fin, cualquier otra informacin que pueda parecer relevante Normas De Estilo: Ni que decir tiene que esta lista se rige por las normas ms elementales de convivencia y estilo Scout/Gua. Esto pretende ser un foro constructivo, que ayude a comprender la diversidad existente en el Escultismo y Guidismo internacional, y que permita crecer gracias a la diversidad. Como Conectarse: Para conectarse es necesario enviar un mensaje a con contenido subscribe scouts-es Si se desea ms informacin sobre el servidor de la lista puede mandarse un mesaje con contenido help Una vez conectado, se pueden enviar mesajes a la lista utilizando la direccin Nota: Estas direcciones son provisionales. Cualquier cambio que se produzca se indicar por medio de la lista de distribucin y los mecanismos Scout/Gua existentes en Internet. Responsable de la Lista: Juan Ramn Velasco Perez, Scouts de Guadalajara - Movimiento Scout Catico ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: SCOUTING-EUROPE DISCUSSION GROUP The SCOUTING-EUROPE discussion list targets Scouters in Europe primarily. If you want to subscribe to the scouting-europe, simply send an email to: The subject line MUST CONTAIN ONE WORD ONLY: subscribe That's it. You should get a reply from the listserver telling you whether the subscription request was successful. If you did something wrong the server will try to help you. The listowner is Lars von Olleschik ( DPSG - Dioezesanverband Muenster, Oeffentlichkeits-AK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Scouts-IT: Aperta agli scout italiani di qualsiasi associazione. This list is open to all italian scouts of every association. Actually exists on a gateway on ScoutNet - Internet. The list is associated with : - a newsgroup (usenet) IT.SOCIALE.SCOUT - Fidonet EchoArea SCOUT.ITA - ScoutNet EchoArea SCOUTS-IT.SCN To subscribe : Mailto : Subject: Text : JOIN SCOUTS-IT To write a message to the list : Mailto : More information : or write to or write to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: SCOUTS-L DISCUSSION GROUP The following information is taken from Jon Eidson's welcome message giving new users instructions on how to use Scouts-L. You will get the complete uncondensed version upon subscribing. This description is longer, because I firmly believe that this discussion group is one of the best places on the Internet to find Scouting information, to share information, and to test ideas. SCOUTS-L is the "Electronic Roundtable that Never Ends". SCOUTS-L provides opportunities for members of youth groups world-wide to interact, compare notes on their programs, discuss organizational problems and concerns, and communicate with members all over the world! While the groups discussed may be heavily weighted towards the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), it also includes Girl Scouts and Girl Guides, Boys' and Girls' Clubs, and other world-wide scouting and youth organizations. If you can imagine a daily meeting with parents of Scouts, leaders at the unit level, Scouters (scouting leaders) at the group, local Council or Regional level and occasionally some people who make Scouting their career (or did at one time or another) -- from all over the nation and from around the world -- you have an idea of the impact this discussion list has. Discussion covers a wide variety of issues and topics, from the silliness of a "Woodbadge animal" to the very seriousness of child protection policies that many organizations have recently installed. While none of folks on the list profess to have the answer to EVERY issue or question, they do spend a great deal of time answering as many as they can. In most cases, they not only answer the "where it can be found in the literature" question, but also give some practical applications of why it is or is not so. Discussion includes stories of how units or groups are doing, to inspire and to just share with others anxieties, fears and joys. It can get personal occasionally, because Scouters on the list have grown to be more than merely people discussing youth programs...they've become friends. They care when fellow members are in the hospital, or when their new son or daughter is born, or when a fellow Scouter attended our first training session or decided that perhaps his/her services were needed elsewhere Not everyone on the list is in total agreement every day with all issues and resolutions of issues. There are arguments and Scouters express themselves with deep personal emotion, but also remember that they are in the company of fellow Scouters...people who understand that disagreements are a part of being human; that the disagreement is with the other point of view, and NOT the other person. Therefore, you will NOT find here the outlandish language and ongoing discussions about topics that have no real answer to them. These folks don't have time for such nonsense...thry're too busy discussing issues that CAN be resolved. Subscribers are free (and encouraged) to extract and download the information shared and share it with those that you work with in your youth agency or group. In this way, you are not letting the information die! Many Scout "roundtables" use the information from this list each month! Subscribing to Scouts-L: The act of SUBSCRIBING to the SCOUTS-L list is to place your name on the list which will allow you to receive all postings to the SCOUTS-L list as well as to be able to post messages to SCOUTS-L. To subscribe you should send a 1 line email message to: LISTSERV@TCU.EDU signature lines. This message should be as follows: SUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-L your name You should use your REAL NAME in place of "your name". Handles are not accepted on SCOUTS-L. Your email address is taken from the "FROM" line of your email heading. The Scouts-L Listserv: The Listserv is a computer that accepts commands or inquiries. THERE IS NOBODY PHYSICALLY AT THE LISTSERV ADDRESS! Take some time to learn how to use and interact with the LISTSERV. This will save you a lot of time and headaches when you want to search for some past topic, retrieve files, or change some of your options. Remember there are two E-mail addresses that you use: SCOUTS-L@TCU.EDU is used when you want to POST a message to the group, LISTSERV@TCU.EDU is used when you want to subscribe, unsubscribe, get files, database searches, and change options. Commands: The commands to LISTSERV are contained in the body of your email message. A good command to start with is "HELP". Other useful commands to LISTSERV are: SUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-L your name Can be used to change your name UNSUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-L Signoff your id from SCOUTS-L SET SCOUTS-L NOMAIL To stop list mail temporarily SET SCOUTS-L DIGEST Turn ON the digest feature SET SCOUTS-L MAIL To turn ON mail again (reset DIGEST) SET SCOUTS-L REPRO To receive a copy of your postings QUERY SCOUTS-L To see your distribution options REVIEW SCOUTS-L Get a copy of the subscription list and list header INDEX SCOUTS-L Get an index of SCOUTS-L files GET SCOUTS-L LOGyymm SCOUTS-L Get a particular log file GET SCOUTPCX BSADSK0 SCOUTS-L Get a file from the archives Scouts-L Digest Option: For those of you who read SCOUTS-L only once-per-day, have trouble keeping up with the volume of e-mail postings, or those who are only reading SCOUTS-L and don't intend to post, the DIGEST feature may be what you need. Once set, you will receive ONLY one posting per day that contains all postings consolidated into a neat package. To set this option, send email to LISTSERV@TCU.EDU with the following message: SET SCOUTS-L DIGEST To revert back to normal receipt of individual messages send the following: SET SCOUTS-L MAIL A special note to those who reply to a digested SCOUTS-L is to change the subject line to something appropriate.

Unsubscribing from Scouts-L: To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to LISTSERV@TCU.EDU with the following message: UNSUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-L ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: SCOUTING-NL DISCUSSION GROUP The SCOUTING-NL discussion list targets Scouters in the Netherlands primarily. Most e-mail is in Dutch, but contributions in English are welcome. If you want to subscribe to the scouting-europe, simply send an email to: LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL The subject is ignored, and the message should contain: SUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-NL Firstname Lastname Messages should be addressed to: SCOUTS-NL@NIC.SURFNET.NL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: United Methodist Church Scouting List SCOUTS- UMC is an e-mail discussion list for the support of members of Civic Youth-Serving Agencies/Scouting and the National Association of United Methodist Scouters: to enhance the ministry of The United Methodist Church; to develop strategies and resources; and to organize and expand the church's youth ministry by utilizing the resources of the Commission of United Methodist Men and the General Board of Discipleship, and the programs of the four civic youth-serving agencies/Scouting: Girl Scouts USA, Boy Scouts of America, 4-H and Campfire Boys and Girls. -adapted 2/1/87 from the purpose of NAUMS This is an open list for all who wish to exchange dialog on civic youth-serving agencies in the United Methodist Church and church sponsored Scouting. This list is sponsored by the Scouting ministry of Glendale Heights UMC, Durham, North Carolina, NC Conference and it maintained by volunteers from Troop 476 On the Troop web site you will find all sorts of information on The United Methodist Church and Scouting, and NAUMS. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM with the command (paste it!): SUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-UMC For more information, you can: Take a look at the list's configuration Contact the list owner at SCOUTS-UMC-request@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: WAGGGS-L DISCUSSION GROUP This discussion group for discussion of World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts discussions. To subscribe to the WAGGGS-L list, send e-mail to: Enter ONLY the following text in the body of your letter: subscribe wagggs-l YourFirstName YourLastName (anything else in the body will be rejected ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of FAQ #5 *********************