Subject: [rec.scouting.*] Games (FAQ 11) Part 2 Newsgroups: rec.scouting.misc,rec.scouting.usa,,rec.answers,news.answers From: Bill Nelson Frequency: Monthly Followup-To: rec.scouting.misc Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU Reply-To: (BILL NELSON) Organization: U.S. Scouting Service Project ( Archive-name: scouting/games/part2 Last-Modified: 3 Dec 1996 _________________________________________________________________ 11. WATER GAMES 11.1 WATER BOMB FIGHT You will need: (for each six or patrol) * An endless supply of paper squares to construct water bombs from * A jug of water Each patrol is given the same number of sheets of paper and a jug of water. On the word go they have to fold the papers into water bombs. Fill them with water and splatter the other patrols. You will find the instructions for water bombs in any good origami book and also in many scouting books. This game is best played out of doors. 11.2 BALLOON VOLLEY BALL You will need: * A volleyball net or a rope over which the balloons can be tossed * An endless supply of balloons a quarter filled with water This is a very messy game and is therefore ideal for hot days at camp. Your net or rope is stretched between two poles or trees just above head height. You have two teams and one balloon a quarter filled with water. If you put too much water into the balloons then they tend to burst too easily. The object of the game is to lob the balloon over the net and try and soak the opposing team. There is a lot of strategy in this game on such things as catching the balloon without bursting it and ways of lobbing the balloon to make it difficult to catch. When the balloon bursts on one side then a point is awarded to the other side, and a new balloon is brought into play. 11.3 WATER BALLOON TOSS You will need: * An endless supply of balloons one-quarter filled with Water. Players form two lines facing each other about 2 metres apart. Players in line 1 each toss a water balloon to opposite players in line 2. Any players who have a balloon burst are out. After each balloon bursts, a new balloon is brought into play, both lines take one step backward and toss again. Repeat until only one pair of players remain. There are on the market very tiny balloons known as water bombs. If you are going to use vast quantities, then these may be more economical to buy than regular balloons. 11.4 WATER RACE You will need: * A bucket of water, a table spoon, and a plastic drinking cup Form the players into teams (number and size of teams depends on number of players available). players form parallel lines. Lead player of each line has a bucket of water next to him and a table spoon in his hand. At some distance (10 - 30 meters) from each line is a drinking cup sitting on the ground. Lead player gets a spoonful of water and quickly takes (walk or run) the water to the cup and dumps it in. He then RUNS back to his line and hands the spoon to the next player in the line who is now the lead player. The former lead player goes to the end of the line. The whole process is repeated until one team fills it's cup to overflowing. 11.5 TILT You will need: (for each six or patrol) * A billy can half filled with water * An aluminium foil cake container * 1 Alka-Seltzer tablet For each patrol, put an Alka-Seltzer tablets in each foil cake dish and then float one cake dish in each patrols billy can. The patrols must now transport the billycan through an obstacle course without the tablet getting wet or falling into the water. They are not allowed to touch the foil disk or the tablet. The patrols could either carry the billy cans by their handles, or if you are feeling very mean, you could get them to pick them up between two poles. 11.6 WATER PISTOL FIGHT You will need: (for each six player) * A water pistol or a washing up liquid squeezy bottle * A flack jacket made from a double sheet of newspaper with a hole in the centre for the players head to go through * A supply of water This game should be played out of doors and could come into the wide game category. The trouble with shooting type games, is knowing when someone has been hit. This is the object of the newspaper flack jackets. Any hits on the jacket will be easily visible. Any players with wet patches on their flack jackets, are not allowed to fire on an opponent and must return to their home base for a replacement flack jacket. The team that has the most dry flack jackets at the end of the game are the winners. Obviously you can't use this idea if it is raining. 11.7 BUCKET LINE You will need: (for each six or patrol) * 2 buckets, one filled with water * A supply of paper or plastic cups This is a great game for hot days on camp. Teams stand in lines. They have a bucket full of water at the front of the line and an empty bucket at the rear. The object of the game is to transfer the water from the front bucket to the rear bucket. To do this the team members must pass the cups of water over their heads to the person behind. Empty cups must be passed back to the front in the same fashion. To play the game fairly you could weigh the buckets at the start and finish to see how much water has been lost. Penalty points could then be taken into account when working out the winning team. _________________________________________________________________ 12. GAMES WITH BATS OR STICKS 12.1 HOCKEY You will need: * 6 hockey sticks and a block of sponge rubber as the puck The troop is split into two teams, and each team numbers off from 1 to 15, or however many scouts there are. One hockey stick is placed in each goal mouth, the other four are placed, two each side of the centre line. Instead of a ball, we use a small sponge rubber block. A kitchen scourer pad is about the right size. We have found that it is better than a ball for indoor use, it doesn't roll too far and doesn't cause any damage. This is placed in the centre at the start of each game. No sticks may be raised above ankle height during play to reduce accidents, any player doing so has committed a foul. The scout leader calls out three numbers, eg. 1,2 and 3. The first number called is the goalkeeper. The second number is the defender, and the third number called is the attacker. The scouts from each team with those numbers, run and pick up their sticks and try to get the sponge into the opposite teams goal. The goal keepers are not allowed out of their goal areas, but they are allowed to pick up the sponge or kick the ball. Any scouts committing a foul of any sort, have to spend 30 seconds in the Sin bin. The game continues until a goal is scored. The sticks and the sponge puck, are then replaced in their starting positions, and three new numbers are called. We continue playing, until each scout has played in all three positions. We also play another version of this game using only four sticks. In this game we have rush goalies, where the goalie can come out of his area. This version is also a very fast game. When we play this version we usually put one of the leaders on each team. Every so often we call out the leaders number, as either the goal keeper or the attacker. We therefore have a leader and a scout on each side. 12.2 2 BALL HOCKEY GAME You will need: * 2 hockey sticks * 2 balls or sponge pucks * 4 chairs * 6 skittles or liquid dishwashing soap squeeze bottles. Two equal sized numbered teams on each side of the hall. Two chairs each end for a goal, with a hockey stick and puck in each goal mouth. A line of skittles between each goal mouth. When a number is called, the two scouts with that number race to their goal mouth, pick up the stick and then dribble the puck between the skittles slalom fashion until they reach the end of the line where they can shoot at the opposing teams goal. 12.3 CROCKER You will need: * 2 stumps a yard apart for the wicket * A stump for the bowler 8 yards in front of the wicket * A stump 7 yards to the left of the wicket to run round * A large ball such as a football * A baseball bat or rounders bat The ball must be bowled under arm from the bowlers stump. The batsman must run round the running round stump, every time he hits the ball in front of the wicket. The bowler can bowl as soon as the ball is returned to him. The batsman is out if the ball passes between the wicket stumps, it hits his legs twice (leg before wicket) or if he is caught out, in front of or behind the wicket. To speed the game up, you could make the whole team out if someone is caught out. 12.4 PANCAKE RACE You will need: * A bat, frying pan or tennis racket * a ball or frisbee Half of each team stand at one end of the course and half at the other end. The first player has to run to the other end and give the frying pan to the first man at the other end who runs back with it. This is continued until each player has run the number of times the leader decides. On each run the frisbee or ball must be tossed and caught twice without dropping it. If the player drops it on the floor they must go back to where they started from and do their run again. On pancake day use real pancakes. 12.5 FRENCH CRICKET You will need: * A cricket bat or baseball bat * a tennis ball All players form a circle and the batsman stands in the centre of the circle facing the player who has the ball first. The player with the ball can bowl under arm at the batsmans legs or pass the ball to another player around the circle to bowl. The object of the game is to hit the batsmans legs. The batsman must stay facing the man who first had the ball, but he is allowed to move the bat around him to protect his legs. When the batsmans legs are hit, he swaps places with the player who bowled the ball. 12.6 NO BOWLER CRICKET Set up as for any other cricket type of game, but in this variant there is no bowler. In this version the batsman has to balance the ball on his bat, flip the ball in the air and then hit it. The batsman must run if he hits the ball or not. Any fielding team player can stump the batsman if he is not at his wicket or catch him out. The batsman may also be out if he drops the ball onto his own wicket. When a batsman is out a new batsman, if one is available takes his place. When all batsmen are out then teams change over from fielders to batters. _________________________________________________________________ 13. MORE GAMES YOU MAY WISH TO CONSIDER. 13.1 DONKEY RACE Two boys straddle a broomstick, back to back. On signal, one runs forward and the other runs backwards about 50 ft. They then run back to the starting line, but this time they change positions (forward becomes backward runner) then the next two team members go. 13.2 FOOTBALL GAME One team gets on each side of a table. Each side tries to blow a ping- pong ball off the opponents' side of the table. 13.3 EATING RACE Give each boy two double crackers. The boy who can eat them all and whistle, or blow up a balloon wins. 13.4 FIFTY YARD SWIM Each boy hops on one foot carrying a paper cup of water. First one over the finish line wins. (Could also be done as a relay.) 13.5 DODGE BALL Divide boys into two teams. One team makes a circle and the other team stands inside it. The boys forming the circle throw a large ball at the boys inside the circle, who are running around trying not to be hit. The inside boys may not catch the ball. A ball hitting a boy on the head does not count. Only boys in the outside circle may catch and throw the ball. Boys who are hit join the outside circle and try to hit the inside boys. 13.6 CENTIPEDES Divide the boys into two teams. Establish two lines about fifty to one hundred feet apart. Line the two teams up on the starting line. Have the first four (three or five if needed) boys in each line straddle a broomstick and with their left hand grasp the stick. On signal the centipedes race to the far line, turn around and race back to the finish line. The centipede may only advance when all four boys are holding the broomstick. Then the next four boys form a centipede and continue the relay. 13.7 POTATO JUMP RACE Establish a start and a finish line. Line the boys up on the starting line. Give each boy a potato (ping-pong ball, balloon, etc.) to put between his knees. On "Go" see who can jump to the finish line first without dropping the potato. (May also be done as a relay.) 13.8 CLOTHESPIN RELAY Divide into teams. Each team member must run from the starting line to a team bottle placed a distance away, attempt to drop a wooden clothes pin into the bottle (Each boy has only one attempt to get the clothes pin in the bottle) and run back to tag the next team member, who then repeats the action. The rules are to hold the clothespin with a straight arm at shoulder height or with a bent arm at waist height (as long as all do it the same way. When all the teams are done the team with the most clothespins in their bottle wins the game. 13.9 NAIL DRIVING RELAY Stand one 2x4 block for each team on edge and start two or three 16 penny nails to the same height in the edge. Place the blocks about fifteen feet from the starting line and put a hammer next to each of the blocks. On "GO!" one boy from each team races to the block, picks up the hammer, and swings ONE blow to drive the nail into the block. He then lays the hammer down and returns to his team, tagging the next boy in the relay. The race continues, with each boy in turn going as many times as it takes for one team to drive all of its nails flush into the block. Be ready to straighten bent nails. 13.10 DISTANCE CLOVE HITCH Using a very long rope and either a tree or a pole, the object of this game is to tie a clove hitch around the tree (pole) without getting near the tree. Draw a circle around the object that the knot is to be tied to and tell the boys that they must not go inside that circle. The knot can be tied, but only through the co-operation and teamwork of the two boys. (Hint: One boy is a runner and the other stands in one spot.) We did this at a Loggers Day for the Boy Scouts and it was as much, if not more fun for the adults to try it as it was for the boys. It's not anywhere as easy as it sounds ---- TRY IT, YOU'LL SEE FOR YOURSELF ... 8-) I must also thank Indian Nations Council for most of the above games, as well as those of my previous post to the list. _________________________________________________________________ 14. ONE ON ONE CHALLENGES I shall refer to the two people from time to time as Alan and Bertie (my old math teacher's terminology. For reference there were also Charlie, Dick, Edward and Freddie.) I prefer to use these challenges with paired off Patrols if possible, PL vs PL, APL vs APL and so on. 14.1 ARM WRESTLING Easy enough; it can be done lying on the floor, so you don't need a table. You're supposed to keep your elbows together and hold hands so that your thumb muscle is in the other person's palm. 14.2 TRACTORS/TANKS Here the pair is working together to get from one end of the hall to the other in the shortest time. Alan lies on the floor on his back. Bertie stands facing him with his feet either side of the first person's head; Alan grasps Bertie's feet around the ankles. Alan then lifts his legs up in the air, and Berties grasps Alan's ankles in much the same way. It should now be possible for Bertie to dive forward, tucking his head in, and end up with his back on the floor beyond Alan thus reversing their positions. Repeat until you reach the finishing line. And you know the best part is that is really doesn't hurt if you do it right. It requires a little faith and tuition, but do dive properly, never let go of the other guy's ankles and tuck your head in! 14.3 ARM KNOCKOUT Alan and Bertie face each other on the floor, press up style. Feet should be together and bodies should not be bent. The object is to knock out the other guy's arms and thus make him collapse - you may not grab the other guys arm with an open hand. Clearly the best way to do this is to fake him out and knock his one arm out when his other arms is trying to knock your wrong arm out of the way. Got that? Terrific. This is particularly painful with short sleeves. 14.4 BACKLIFT Anne and Brian (variety...) stand back to back and interlock arms at the elbows. On the word `Go', each has to attempt, by leaning forward, to be the first to lift the other clear of the ground. You'll want to try to match heights quite well for this one. 14.5 LEG PULL I would organise this one with all the pairs of boys down the long axis of the hall; Alans will have their backs to one long wall, Berties with have their backs to the other long wall. OK. Good. Now each person lifts his left leg in the air and holds onto his partners left leg. Upon a suitable command, each player has to hop backwards trying to pull his partner with him. The one to touch his back on his own wall (or to cross a line - safer) wins. 14.6 SLAPS This one comes from the playground and you may be a little wary to encourage your little angels into such violence, but here we go. You should probably slip a coin in each case to see who goes first, but we shall assume Alan goes first. Each player holds his hands together in a prayer position, such that his fingers are pointing at the other player in front of him and his hands are at chest height. Some suggest that the two players hands should be close enough that fingertips are touching and this can be enforced. Since Alan is going first, he will be attacking. (:-) This involves his moving one of his hands and swinging it so as the slap Berties hand, for example Alan may decide to use his right hand, in which case he would slap Bertie's left hand. Bertie's role in this is to try to remove his hands, and so foil Alan's swipe. Bertie however may not move his hands until Alan's fingertips have broken apart; if Alan successfully fakes Bertie into doing so, then Bertie is required to hold his hands in place while Alan exercises his right to a free slap. This can inevitably be somewhat harder than combat slaps as preparation time is available. It is observed that players wishing to retain friendship with their opposition do not necessarily slap any harder here than at any other time. So far Bertie has done rather badly out of the arrangement. However a further important rule is thus; if Bertie successfully removes his hands entirely and Alan thus misses, play changes over such that Bertie is now attacking Alan. The game finishes when one of the players submits to the other and admits defeat. This is or course subjective. Slaps is an excellent spectator sport, particularly in watching the colour of their hands. My campers and PFC Summer camp picked this game up rather slowly at first (I noted this softness in general in American kids), but enjoyed in immensely once taught. 14.7 CHINESE LADDERS This games only belongs here insofar as the boys are likely already arranged in the right format to play it. The should sit down the length of the hall facing their partners, with their feet touching those of their partners. +-------------+ | | | O== ==O | | O== ==O | | O== ==O | | O== ==O | | O== ==O | | O== ==O | | | +-------------+ so. Starting at the top end of the diagram, upon command, the boys jump up, and run down the hall over the legs of their team (who may not move those legs!) and then touch the end of the hall. They run back around the outside, touch the top wall, and then make their way over any legs back to their place, whence the next boy may do the same. It's a race. Note the way I have described it so that each boy must sit down beyond the next person in his team; this helps prevent cheating by starting early. This game can be made more interesting by providing simple obstacles around the two outside edges of the hall, e.g. car tyres to get through, turned gym benches to walk along, or chairs to go under. 14.8 INDIAN LEG WRESTLING Picture first: (laying on the floor) Person A (Jim) ]==<>O ( [] = feet, == = legs) O<>==[ ( <> = body O = head) Person B (Tom) Jim and Tom (with the inside hand) grab the other persons forearm. This will cause the (roughly) pivot point. A count of 1, 2 is given, and on each number the inside leg is raised to the vertical position. On the count of 3, the legs are interlocked at the knees. The Objective is to get you opponent to turn from the original starting position. It is kind of hard to explain, but if you get a partner and try it, you will see what I mean. _________________________________________________________________ 15. SUMMER OLYMPICS GAMES Here's a brief description of the games we'll be using in our Summer Olympics. 15.1 WATER RELAY RACE Transport water from point A to point B holding water can above head. Water can has small nail holes in bottom edge resulting in a shower effect on the carrier. Team that has the most water average per den wins. 15.2 OBSTACLE COURSE Standard obstacle type course described in Ideas book, with the addition of slip N slide water slide, and Rope swing over small swimming pool. Best den average through course wins. 15.3 ELECTRIC ISOTOPE Combined teamwork to remove coffee can from centre of circle using ropes tied to a small inner-tube. Boys cannot cross rope circle. Best time wins. 15.4 WATER BALLOON SLING SHOT CATCH Using a large slingshot made from surgical tubing and a inner tube cup, three boys will launch the water balloons toward the objective. The objective is three boys holding a small plastic swimming pool, who will try and catch the water balloons. The team with the most catches wins. 15.5 4X4 RACES Using two 4x4"s (6 ft lengths) with robes tied every 12 inches, six boys standing on the 4x4 will attempt to lift and walk a short distance. Requires teamwork and co-operative effort. Fastest time wins. _________________________________________________________________ 16. WINTER GAMES 16.1 THE SNOW SNAKE GAME Native American winter game, reached highest levels of sophistication among the nations and tribes near the Great Lakes. Seneca tribe of the Iroquois Nation called it Gawasa, I believe. (Also the name of the oldest winter training program in the BSA I believe, now well over 50. In the Land of the Oneidas council upstate New York) On a long, 1/4 mile or more , level surface, build a long pile of snow, 2 feet high, 2 feet wide. This will occupy a winter camporee of about 100 scouts for an hour or so. Make a V shaped trough in the pile, smooth and ice it thoroughly. All contestants have previously carved a snow snake. It should be 5 to 7 feet long, about 1 1/2 inches high at the 2 to 4 inch long head. The eyes of the snake are where it is weighted. The snake should never be wider than 3/4 inch and is usually only a 1/2 inch high, behind the head. The bottom is rounded, the top, behind the head is flat. The underside of the head should curve up like a ski. Decorations and carvings should be done on the non-sliding surfaces. The snow snake is held in the throwing hand with the index finger at the end of the snake, like a sling. The snake is supported with the non throwing hand during a running head start. The arm movement is a crass between a baseball side-arm pitch and a bowling delivery. Using these directions, at the defunct Iroquois Council's 1973 Gawasa, a 14 year old scout threw a snow snake more than 1/4 mile down the trough. I have seen the Huron Nation build troughs on Lake Michigan over 3 miles long, and one year saw a television report of a Huron throwing a snow snake over 2 miles down a trough (about 1978). The younger scouts get really impressed when they see what they are capable of. 16.2 MORE WINTER GAMES I have seen all sorts of things done at winter camps, and while I have no specific suggestions as to games, there are variations you can use on other sports/games, such as: Golf (use tennis balls coffee cans and expect to lose a few balls), volleyball (careful, the ball gets quite hard, but playing this game knee or waist deep in powder is not to be missed.), campfire building and so on. As I type this I remember building kitchen areas with tables and seats by digging into the snow. Wide games are a lot of fun in the snow (see other thread) and I imagine "stalker" would be trickier on snowshoes... One winter camp here in BC (Rovent for you BC'ers who have seen a lot of this before) also features a gateway contest and snow-sculpture contest. In general I think that you can do a lot of things at a winter camp that you can do in the summer, you just have to remember to stay dry. One final note, Hot Chocolate tastes GREAT at -20 C!!! Enjoy! _________________________________________________________________ 17. RELAY GAMES 17.1 SEED PLANTING RELAY Following a line, or rope on the ground, and by walking heel to toe, each team member must stop (about every 3 feet and drop a seed in a small mouthed jar set near the line. When he reaches the end, he runs back and taps the next boy on the team. 17.2 POTATO RACE Two teams. Give each starting player a fork and a potato. He tosses the potato into the air and catches it on the fork, takes it off and hands them to the next player. First team through wins. 17.3 CONE RACE String paper cones on cords stretched between chairs, or posts. Each team member blows cone to the end of the cord, brings it back; next boy does the same. First team finished wins. 17.4 DRIVING THE PIG Two teams; each team has a 3" long stick and a 1/2 gallon milk bottle (add a little water to the bottles). The players use the stick to push the bottle (pig) to the fair. 17.5 TOWEL ROLL ROLL Using a broomstick and a paper towel cardboard tube, each team member uses the stick to roll the tube to one end of the room and them back. He then hands the broomstick to the next boy. (I have seen this one done -- it's harder than it sounds!) 17.6 TURKEY FEATHER RELAY Divide into relay teams. First player holds a long turkey feather. At the word "Go" each throws his feather, javelin style, toward the finish line. As soon as it comes to earth, he picks it up and throws it again, and continues until across the finish line. He then picks it up and runs back to his team to give the feather to the next player. 17.7 CANDLE AND STRAW RELAY RACE You will need: * 1 candle and a box of matches per team and 1 drinking * straw per team member Each team member is given a straw. They have to race to the opposite end of the hall where their candle and box of matches is located. They must light the candle and then blow it out by blowing the flame through the straw. This can also be played in subdued lighting. 17.8 CHECKER RELAY You will need: * 6 wooden checkers playing pieces per patrol * We often get these given to us at rummage sales Scouts race up and down the hall in relay fashion, with a pile of 6 checkers balanced on the back of one hand. They are not allowed to steady the pile with the other hand. The only time they can touch the checkers with the other hand, is either when they have dropped them and are picking them up, or when they are transferring the checkers to another scout in their team. 17.9 CUBS ACROSS THE RIVER You will need: * 4 card or carpet tile stepping stones * three awkward pieces of equipment such as a rucksack, a football and a hoop, for each six Line up sixes with their equipment and draw two lines to represent the river. Lay the stepping stones across the river. Cub 1 carries cub 2 on his back across the river using the stepping stones. Cub 2 comes back and picks up cub 3 plus a piece of equipment. Cub 3 comes back and picks up cub 4 plus a piece of equipment and so on until all the cubs have crossed the river. Those cubs on the bank should be encouraged to cheer their team on. 17.10 DRIBBLE BALL You will need: * 1 ball and several skittles per team or six Standing in teams, each person in turn dribbles the ball down the line of skittles slalom fashion, either using their foot, a stick or a washing up liquid bottle and then straight back to the next man in their team. If a skittle is knocked over, the player has to return to the start and begin again. 17.11 STACKING THE CANS You will need: * 6 tin cans or drinking chocolate tins with lids per team Patrols or sixes stand in lines. They have to run to the end of the hall in relay fashion and each one add a can to the stack. The winning team is the first one back with a completed stack and all their team standing to attention. You could add a variation to the game by playing two teams at a time and have the other teams at the sides throwing bean bags or dusters at the piles of cans. If you played this variation then you would play against the clock to see which was the fastest team. 17.12 TUNNEL BALL You will need: * A ball or balloon for each team The teams stand at attention in lines, the front player in each team has the ball. On the command 'GO' they spring their legs apart. The player at the front passes the ball between their legs. The ball must go between each players legs until it is picked up by the player at the back. The back player then runs to the front and continues the process until the original font player is back at the front. The winning team is the one with all players standing at attention with the ball at the front. If a ball breaks out from the line it must start its journey through the tunnel again from the front. As an alternative pass the ball from the back player through the tunnel to the front. 17.13 WHEELBARROW RACE Teams stand in lines at one end of the hall. On the command 'GO', the front player gets down on his hands. The second player stands between his legs and lifts his legs up to waist level. They now have to go as fast as possible to the other end of the hall with the front player walking with his hands and the rear player holding him up like a wheelbarrow. When they reach the end of the hall the front player stands up and the rear player runs back to the front of his team and then becomes the front man of the new wheelbarrow. This process is continued until the whole team are at the far end of the hall. 17.14 HIGHWAYMAN You will need: * A short length of lashing rope and a chair for each team Teams stand in lines at one end of the hall. There is a wooden chair with a bar back at the other end of the hall opposite each team. The front player of each team has a length of rope in one hand. On the command 'GO' the second player jumps onto the back of the front player and they race piggy back style to the chair at the other end of the hall. The player riding jumps down and ties one end of the rope around the top bar of the chair using the highwaymans hitch. He then jumps back on the other players back, pulls the end of the rope to free it and they then race back to their team. The player who was the horse goes to the back of the team and the player who was the rider now becomes the horse or front player. 17.15 FIREMAN, SAVE MY CHILD You will need: * A drinking straw for each player * simple paper cut-out of a child, this should be about 1 1/2 to 2 inches tall. The arms and legs should be about 1/2 an inch wide on the figure The game goes like this: The players are divided into two teams and are formed into two lines. Each team has a pile of the cut-out children on a table and a drinking straw for each player. Approximately 15-20 feet away from the start, place a small pail for each team on another table, chair, stool, or whatever. At the call of "Fireman, save my child", the first player on each team must pick up a child by sucking up the figure against their straw. While holding the figure this way, they then run to their respective pail and deposit their figure in the pail. If they drop the figure en route, they must stop and pick up their child again, by getting down on the floor and sucking it up with their straw. After putting their child in the pail, they run back to the starting line, and the next player picks up his child and repeats the process. The first team to save all their children is the winner. Have enough figures so each player gets at least two turns. 17.16 LAYERED CLOTHES My Girl Scout troop really liked a game I threw together to teach them about layered clothing. Gather a pile of assorted clothing, including socks, shoes, hats, etc. Divide the clothing "evenly" into piles (i.e. pair of pants in each pile, mittens in each pile, etc.). Make sure the clothes are large enough that the outer layers can fit over the other layers. Divide the group into teams. Divide the teams in half and place one half near the pile of clothes, the other about 50 feet away. At a signal, the first member of each team "dresses" in the clothing of the pile and gallops the 50 feet to the other side, "undresses" and another team member puts on the clothes. As long as there are no rocks in the way, this game can be really fun to play (and watch!). _________________________________________________________________ 18. STRATEGY GAMES 18.1 MOUSE TRAP ATTACK You will need: * 4 spring loaded mouse traps per team * an endless supply of rolled up paper balls We will suppose that there are four teams or patrols of six boys. They are spaced at equal distances down the length of the hall. Each team or patrol has it's mouse traps cocked at one side of the hall on the floor. At the other side of the hall opposite each group of mouse traps are three attacking boys from each of the other patrols. These attacking boys are armed with rolled up balls of paper. Each patrol is allowed up to three defenders for their mouse traps. These defenders must sit on the floor half way between their mouse traps and the defenders. The attackers must lob the paper balls over the heads of the defenders and set off the mouse traps. The winning patrol is the one that has the last loaded mouse trap. 18.2 MOUSE TRAP FISHING GAME You will need: * 1 spring loaded mouse trap * 3 bamboo canes * 3 lengths of string * some objects such as plastic bottles to be picked up, for each team You will have to bore a hole or fit a screw eye in one end of each mouse trap so that it can be attached to a length of string. Each team stands at one side of the hall and the objects they have to collect such as plastic bottles are on the other side of the river (hall). The only way that they can get the objects, is to lash the three bamboo poles together to form a fishing pole and attach the string with the mouse trap attached to the end. You will have to show the scouts how to cock the mouse traps safely or you may have to do some first aid on bruised fingers. 18.3 SUBMARINES AND MINEFIELDS You will need: * Blindfolds for each member of the minefield You split into two teams teams, one forms a line across the playing field. They are blindfolded and standing close enough together to touch hands. Each hand is a mine that will 'destroy' a ship (a member of the other team.) that team quietly tries to sneak along the line weaving in and out of the mines, (i.e. between their feet, or between two scouts). we once had someone go fetch a utility ladder and climb over the minefield. After a minefield team member uses one hand and hits a ship, that hand is out of play for the round. Thus later ships may go through an unprotected area. Smaller scouts usually win this one. When the whole team has gone through or not as the case may be, change over. At the end of the game, the winning team is the one that managed to get the most ships through the minefield. 18.4 TRADER You will need: * 4 counters for each boy, red, blue green and yellow one of each colour. When the game starts the boys are given a set time 5 to 10 minutes in which they are allowed to trade. They trade in the following manner. A boy approaches another boy with a counter in his left fist , he does not show the other boy what colour he is holding. If they agree to trade then they give each other a counter taking care that they do not show the colour they are swapping. Any boys who do not wish to trade simply cross their arms, this indicates that they are not open for trading. After the trading period is ended you show the lads the stockmarket chart shown below and get the lads to add up their scores. Print out the following table and make copies. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Red counters 100 points 4 Blue counters 80 points 4 Green counters 60 points 4 Yellow counters 50 points 3 of any colour 40 points 2 of any colour 15 Single Red 1 point Single Blue 2 points, Single Green 4 points Single yellow 5 points. --------------------------------------------------------------------- After they have added up their scores and you have found out which scouts have the highest scores, collect the counters in and hand out one of each colour again to the scouts. Now play it again with the scouts knowing the values and see the difference in tactics. From time to time you could introduce jokers these are White counters. You place some of these on the table and the boys are told they can take them if they wish. The value of these is unknown until they add up the scores. You then tell them that they either get 10 extra points for each White counter they have or minus 10 for each White counter they hold, much like Bulls and Bears in the stock market. You can decide if it is going to be a plus or a minus by either tossing a coin or rolling a dice. 18.5 THE TRADER GAME You will need: * 4 chips for each boy, all of different colours (red, green, blue, yellow) * 1 chip for each adult - white (I made my chips by cutting 1 inch squares from coloured cardboard) The boys are given a chip of each colour. the adults each have one white chip. The boys get 7 to 10 minutes to 'trade' chips with each other or an adult. To trade, each boy holds a chip HIDDEN in one hand. When they agree on the trade, the chips are exchanged. ALL TRADES ARE FINAL! Boys who do not wish to trade should fold their arms to signal that they don't wish to trade. All trades are 1 chip at a time. Boys can also trade with adults if they want to. After the trading is over, show the boys the stock market list below and have them add up their scores. Now that they know the value of the chips, let the boys play the game again. Collect and redistribute the chips, and see how trading tactics change. After the second trading period is over, add up the scores again and see how the boys did this time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- STOCK MARKET CHART - TRADING CHIP VALUES 4 RED - 90 POINTS 1 (SINGLE) BLUE - 40 POINTS 4 GREEN - 80 POINTS 1 (SINGLE) YELLOW - 30 POINTS 4 YELLOW - 60 POINTS 1 (SINGLE) GREEN - 30 POINTS 4 BLUE - 50 POINTS 1 (SINGLE) RED - 20 POINTS 2 WHITE - 50 POINTS 1 (SINGLE) WHITE - 20 POINTS 3 OF ANY COLOUR - 40 POINTS 2 OF ANY COLOUR - 20 POINTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 18.6 TRADING POST You will need: * Two price lists, one of things that you are selling and one of things that you are prepared to buy back. * Various things for the teams to buy * You will also need some form of currency such as coloured cards, paper or even beads. At the start of the game, each team is given the same amount of currency. They then have to decide what they are going to buy from you in order to make something to sell back to you for a profit. Most things that you buy back should result in a profit, but you should put in some items that produce no profit or even a loss. As an example of the sort of things on your to buy list would be a cup of hot tea for the scout leaders. To do this they will have to purchase from you matches, tea bags, milk and sugar, a cooking stove, fuel for the cooking stove, water pot and water. 18.7 LIGHTHOUSE This game comes from a Games book published by the Bharat Scouts and Guides (India). It is attributed to the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland. You will need: * enough blindfolds for half your group. * a reasonably large room. The Leader is the lighthouse. Half the troop (pack, company) are ships, and put on the blindfolds at one end of the room. The other half are rocks, and distribute themselves on the floor between the ships and the lighthouse. Please ask the rocks to keep their hands and feet in to minimise tripping. The rocks also should not clump up. The lighthouse goes "woo woo" to guide the ships. The rocks go "swish, swish" quietly to warn the ships of their presence. On go, the ships navigate between the rocks to the lighthouse. If they touch a rock, they are sunk and must sit on the floor (and go "swish, swish" also). When all the ships have made it to the lighthouse (or have been sunk), the rocks and ships switch places. _________________________________________________________________ 19. THEMED GAMES 19.1 SPACE TRAINING GAME As usual, I did these on my MAC - I've reformatted them as plain text so they can be posted. Anyone is welcome to use these - my only request is that you let me know, and give me some feedback (both good and bad) as to how things went. - Mike Stolz ( ------------------------------ cut here -------------------------- SPACE GAMES den name _______________ 19.1.1 SPACE ARCHERY In space, everything floats. As a construction mechanic, the only way to keep your space station parts from floating away is to rope them together. Your problem is that YOU are anchored to the main space station, while the new parts are slowly drifting away. So how do you get a rope on those parts? Why with your trusty bow and arrow. Each new part comes with its own target. Each mechanic gets 10 arrows. Hit the target with the arrow that has a string attached, and double your total points. 19.1.2 ROBOT ARM You're the operator of the space shuttle's robot arm. The arm will do everything you tell it, but it can't see or think for itself. Your job, pick up the three space disks and return them to your position. Use voice commands like 'forward, left, right, and down' to direct the robot arm. Keep the tether rope tight to prevent the robot arm from vershooting the targets. This is a timed event. 19.1.3 SPACE CONSTRUCTION Your team of construction mechanics are on the moon. You need to build the tallest radio tower you can, using the standard space-blocks. The structure must be free-standing and self-supporting. DO NOT DAMAGE THE BUILDING MATERIALS while constructing your tower! 19.1.4 SPACE EXPLORATION Space explorers need to be highly trained observers. In this training exercise, you need to scour the marked-off section of rough terrain, and discover the interesting samples. There will be bonus points for discovering samples whose colour is different from your assigned colour. 19.1.5 SHUTTLE FLIGHT-CHECK All shuttle crews need to check out their craft before take-off. Every crew has memorised the list of instructions. Lets see how good your crew is at remembering instructions. You will get two minutes to study and discuss the list of instructions and their order. Then, without looking, your team must write them down in the correct order. If you're quick, you will have time to play this one twice. player name arch arm const explo check --------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________|_____|_____|______|______|______| ___________________________________|_____|_____| ___________________________________|_____|_____|______|______|______| ___________________________________|_____|_____| (den scores here) ___________________________________|_____|_____| ___________________________________|_____|_____| circle the best den ___________________________________|_____|_____| score for each game ___________________________________|_____|_____|_____________________ put the best den score here -> | | | | | | 19.2 GAME LEADER INSTRUCTIONS Bring spray paint (white) to draw lines on the grass. Also packing tape and duct tape. If games are held indoors, use masking tape for your lines. Make sure all game leaders understand that the rules may need to be modified, but if they are, ALL GROUPS must have the same chances. The most important thing is to make sure that all rules are applied consistently for every group participating. All games were designed to be played outdoors, but most could easily be done indoors if the activity room was large. At the end of the competition, all score sheets will be collected from Den leaders. Compare the single 'best' score for each game and den. Award 1st thru 5th place (we have 5 dens) in each event. The den with the LOWEST total score for the 5 events will get 1st place. 19.2.1 SPACE ARCHERY GAME PARTS - 3 targets with stands, 30+ arrows, 3 bows, ball of string, 3 stakes. Set up targets, with 3 shooting stations about 20 feet (7 meters) away. Put 10 arrows at each station. Measure 30 feet (10 meters) of string for each station. Tie one end of string to a stake at the station, and tie/tape the other end to one of the arrows. This should be the last arrow shot by each Cub, and can double their target score. Score target rings at 1 (target), 2, 3, 5 (bulls eye on our targets). Be very alert to safety. Make sure ALL ARCHERS understand that arrows are not to be nocked while anyone is 'even close' to the shooting range area! 19.2.2 ROBOT ARM GAME PARTS - Long rope, 3 Frisbees, blindfold, 2 paper grocery bags. Draw a ring for the 'operator' to stand in. Paint 3 spots at different points outside the ring, ranging from 15 to 30 feet (5 to 10 meters). The spots mark the pick-up spots for the 3 Frisbees. Tie rope around waist of the cub acting as 'robot hand' (use a bowline!). Blindfold the 'hand', then place grocery bag over his head - the 'hand' should be unable to see. The operator now steps into the ring, and takes hold of the rope. At "GO", the 'hand' walks out to get the Frisbees. The operator lets out the rope until the 'hand' is out far enough, and uses voice commands (left, right, down, out) to direct the 'hand' to each frisbee. Make sure the operator knows that he should keep tension on the rope - this is one of his main methods of guidance and control. After the 'hand' has all 3 frisbees, the operator has to reel him back into the operator's circle. MAKE SURE THE 'HAND' IS UNABLE TO SEE! This is a timed event - the boys may run thru this as often as they want in the allotted time. Keep the best time. 19.2.3 SPACE CONSTRUCTION GAME PARTS - 16 cardboard boxes all the same size, 6 large coffee cans, 3 thin strips of plywood, 2 poles with nails thru the ends, several smaller dowels, tape measure. The object is to build as tall a tower as possible with the material supplied. The tower must be free-standing and self-supporting, and stay up for at least 1 minute. DO NOT LET THE CREW DAMAGE OR MODIFY THE SUPPLIED MATERIALS! Measure the tower to the nearest inch. The crew can try several different configurations. ***WARNING! Wind and uneven terrain can dramatically affect this game. Try to locate it in a sheltered area with fairly even ground. It could also be done inside if the room has a tall ceiling. 19.2.4 SPACE EXPLORATION GAMES PARTS - individually wrapped candy in different colours, coloured tape or marker cones to mark off the search area. Game leader will hide 10 candies of the same colour in search area, plus 1 of a different colour. Cubs need to search the area to find all 'samples'. After they are turned in and counted, they may each have 1 to keep. The coloured candy counts as 3 points, all others are 1 point. Be alert to 'missed' candies from previous groups. 19.2.5 SHUTTLE FLIGHT-CHECK GAME PARTS - 20 cards with different flight-check instructions, table, large cloth. Lay out 2 cards (in random order) for every Cub in the den. The Cubs will have 2 minutes to study, discuss, and memorise the cards. Then cover cards with cloth. They now have 5 minutes to write down all the flight-check instructions in order. Award 1 point for every instruction in the correct position relative to the previous and next instruction. Award 2 points for every instruction that is written EXACTLY correct - give 1 point if the instruction is mostly correct. There should be time to play this game twice. This is a version of 'Kim's Game'. *** My cards were all very short phases, including things like 'CHECK FUEL GUAGE', 'CHECK OXYGEN GUAGE', 'INSPECT SHUTTLE BAY', 'TEST SHUTTLE BAY LIGHTS', 'EXAMINE AIRLOCK' and so on. I used 3" x 5" index cards and a black magic marker to make them. ***WARNING! This is another game that can be affected by wind. Using a large thick cloth, and taping one edge of it to the table can create an effective windbreak that the Cubs can 'peek under' during their 2 minutes of observation. _________________________________________________________________ 21. FIRE SAFETY GAME Alright folks - here's the first Pack 164 Fire Safety Game. I used it at my Pack meeting this Monday. It took most of 45 minutes, which was my goal. I used the Version 1 instructions. Things went fairly well, but as soon as I got home, I typed up the Version 2 instructions as well, and intend to use them the next time. Some of the boys were able to handle the 'game' by themselves, but most of the 2nd graders, and a few strays from the older grades, couldn't stay 'on task' for more than 5 or 10 minutes. If anyone else wants to try this game, all I ask is that: 1) you let me know that you're using it, and 2) you give me feedback, suggestions, improvements, etc. when you're done. I've attempted to re-format this text in plain ASCII, my original is on a MAC using WORD 4.0. If you see any typo's, they were probably introduced during reformatting. PS - at the (older) Boy Scout level, I'd suggest doing it first alone, and then by Patrol. ------------------------------ cut here ----------------------------- FIRE SAFETY GAME EVERY ANSWER IS USED ONCE - AND ONLY ONCE!. IF A QUESTION CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE ANSWER, SKIP IT AND COME BACK TO IT LATER. |_YOURS______|_GROUP'S____| THE REST WAS DELETED - ADD IT IN AGAIN PAUL!! FIRE SAFETY GAME INSTRUCTIONS: VERSION 1 This 'game' is has been designed with Cub Scouts in mind. The game will be done as follows: 1) every person, Cubs, parents, Den leaders, and even siblings should take the test alone. Emphasize to the kids that if they don't know what a word is, they should ask an adult. The game is supposed to test Fire Safety skills, not reading ability. 2) After everyone has answered the questions alone, they should then get together by family. Each family should compare answers and circle those that aren't the same. Do NOT change 'YOUR' answers after you start the family discussion. After you have compared answers on all questions, go back and discuss those where the answers aren't the same. For answers that don't agree, you should settle on one 'correct' family answer. PARENTS, PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR KIDS IF THEIR ANSWER IS DIFFERENT FROM YOURS! KIDS, DON'T ASSUME YOUR PARENT'S ANSWER IS RIGHT, AND THAT YOURS IS WRONG. 3) In the final step, each Den should get together. The Den Leader should read the answer sheet out loud, and the families should see how well they did. Mark the total number of right answers for each column in the boxes at the bottom of the page. These score sheets are NOT to be turned in, I would like families to take them home and talk about them. If any kids do better than their parents, please have them bring both game sheets up to me at the front. I would also like Den leaders to find out whether any families had 100% perfect on the game. A few questions can use several answers. There is a 'best' answer for each of these questions. If you find a question that has more than one answer, skip it and come back to it later. EVERY answer should only be used once. Use the process of elimination to find the 'best' answer on those questions that can use more than one of the answer words. FIRE SAFETY GAME INSTRUCTIONS: VERSION 2 This 'game' is has been designed with Cub Scouts in mind. The game will be done as follows: 1) every Cub is to pair up with an adult (parent), Boy Scout, or older sibling. They should work as a team to decide the answers for each question. PLEASE make sure the Cubs have a lot of input into the decision-making. 2) After everyone has answered the questions as pairs, they should then get together by Den. Each Den should compare answers and circle those that aren't the same. Do NOT change 'YOUR' answers after you start the Den discussion. After you have compared answers on all questions, go back and discuss those where the answers aren't the same. For answers that don't agree, you should settle on one 'correct' Den answer. PLEASE LISTEN TO EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY IF THEIR ANSWER IS DIFFERENT FROM YOURS! KIDS, DON'T ASSUME THAT SOMEONE ELSE'S ANSWER IS RIGHT, AND THAT YOURS IS WRONG. 3) In the final step, THE Cubmaster should read the answer sheet out loud, and the Dens should see how well they did. Mark the total number of right answers for each column in the boxes at the bottom of the page. These game sheets are NOT to be turned in, I would like families to take them home and talk about them. A few questions can use several answers. There is a 'best' answer for each of these questions. If you find a question that has more than one answer, skip it and come back to it later. EVERY answer should only be used once. Use the process of elimination to find the 'best' answer on those questions that can use more than one of the answer words. _________________________________________________________________ 22. GAMES FOR PIRATE THEME BIRTHDAY PARTY * Walk the Plank. Works best if you have a swimming pool. Are brave prisoners or groveling prisoners more fun? Vote afterwards. * Buried Treasure Hunt. Bury some loot, make a map, hand out shovels, and stand back. Best if held on a beach, but if you're sick of your garden, what the heck. * Loot the Town. The kids burst into the house and cart away anything they find. Best if held at someone else's house. With teen-agers, you can add the twist, "Make Them Tell Where They Hid the Silver." * Boarding Action. Split the kids into two teams and have them try to capture each other's "ships," which can be buildings or minivans. Kids over ten need to be searched for zip guns beforehand. Victory conditions are variable. Possible outcomes are: last "ship" operational, amount of loot removed from "ship," last pirate conscious. Best played just before leaving the country. _________________________________________________________________ 23. BOP STICKS Another game the scouts like a lot, which is not a game from the BSA, is "Bop Sticks." This game requires quite a bit of preparation, however. You will need: * 2 lengths of PVC pipe, 7' X 1" * Lots of foam padding * Even more duct tape * Two old tennis balls * Two football helmets (or other helmet with a face guard) Cut the tennis balls in half and tape each half securely to the ends of the PVC pipe. Wrap every square inch of the pipe in foam, and secure with tape. When finished, you should only be able to see tape. The balls and foam should be covered in tape. The scouts wear the helmets and attack each other with the stick they are wielding. A hit to a limb results in the loss of the limb. A hit to the neck results in decapitation - you're dead. Two hits to either the body, the head, or both result in death. Loss of a limb results in just that. Naturally, if both legs are gone, you can't run away, and if both arms are gone, you can't wield a stick. It's fun to watch the scouts hopping around on one leg in their big, bulky helmets while swinging a rather awkward "sword" with one hand. You can have tournaments. Kind of SCAish, but not really. _________________________________________________________________ 24. CHRISTMAS GAMES Well it all depends on whether you plan to do it indoors our outdoors. Here are a few ideas, but keep in mind that they're coming from a country where a consistent plot (a 'fil rouge') is a crucial point in every scouting activity. I would embed the games into a Christmas story. For example about a little angel who has neglected his duties, and preferred to play aureola frisbee and cloud soccer with the little devils instead of doing his daily good actions (games: play frisbee with a frisbee ring, and soccer by having the teams blow on a cotton wool ball over a table). The case came to Petrus who decided to send the little angel on a penitence mission in the world of darkness and the world of silence. Describe the kids how the angel felt desperately lost and alone in these worlds; How he meets a blind boy in the world of darkness, and a deaf boy in the world of silence; How these two kids show him that they can get along very well in their respective worlds despite their respective handicaps, by using the remaining senses -- odor, hearing and touch in the world of darkness / sight in the world of silence --. Make heavy use of Kim and trust games in the world of darkness, and of pantomime games in the world of silence. Tell how the angel is marked by these two encounters, and how he decides to help the people lost in one of these worlds. End the story by telling that Petrus, seing the angel at work and his quest now over, called him back to paradise. Okay, I made that story up while writing this E-mail, so there are still a few details to polish, but all in all, you have here largely enough material for a whole afternoon. By including one or two wide games, you could even use it as base for a cub scout weekend.