This is from our Council's 1991 Pow Wow Book "The Sky's the Limit !!" Why I am a Leader I'm not a Cub Scout leader for the easy hours, high pay, parents' gratitude, power, or prestige. I'm a leader because I want the world for your son and mine -- a world he can share and help shape; a world of love and laughter, where he can show compassion. I want him to look at the stars, a sunrise, a sunset, the work and world of man -- and feel its beauty inside himself. I want to help him learn to finish anything he starts and do it well, and to guide him to know his worth with a deeper understanding of himself. I want to help shape men who have strength of character and are sensitive to the needs of others. I want them to be the best they can be. I'm giving of myself and my time. I reap rewards far beyond what I give. I receive for my children, your children, and future children a better world. Anyone who can teach me or show me a better way to do this job, anyone who gives of their time to help me become a better leader, and anyone who by action or deed makes the Scouting program come alive will forever have my undying gratitude. I am a Cub Scout Leader because I care.