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Scouting Software on the Web
Disclaimer: The following links are provided for information purposes only. The
inclusion of links on this page should not be considered as an endorsement or recommendation
by the U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Any concerns or disputes with a software
vendor should be addressed to that vendor. In addition to this listing, we
do recommend that you have a look at Open Source Scouting related projects at
- Bugle Call .Wav
A collection of .wav files and images of sheet music for bugle calls from
- KSCgroup Girl Scout and Boy Scout Software
Only licensed GSUSA Software vendor. ScoutNet Certified. Software for leaders
and youth members of GSUSA and BSA. Scoutmate also includes Merit Badge
Counselor tracking, permission forms, fundraising, inventory, and more.
- Race Manager Software
It is an open source software application that runs on Windows, Macos, and
many other computers. The code is also on the web for free download so that
anyone can contribute and make it the best software available.
- Rank 'N File
"All of our Cub Scout and Boy Scout advancement applications will import
ScoutNet unit upload data that can be supplied on disk by your local council!
This means that when you buy Rank N' File, you can get the information for
your unit, and the personal information for both scouts and leaders, and
import it into Rank N' File. This will keep you from having to do all of
that tedious initial data entry. Just plop the disk in your A drive, and
click the button in Rank N' File. The upload will capture all unit data,
and personal info for all the scouts and leaders, such as names, addresses,
phone numbers, birthdates, drivers license numbers, leader positions, current
ranks, etc. A great timesaver! Another way Rank N' File keeps you ahead
of the pack!"
- Scouting Screen Saver
Screen saver from Tovil Scout Group, Maidstone West District, Kent, UK
- SRT Enterprises - Trooper for
"Trooper™ is a Windows program that provides an easy, user-friendly way
for BSA Scout leaders to store and manage all sorts of information about
their troop."
- Troopmaster Software
"Troopmaster Software offers a full range of Windows® software products
for managing Boy Scout Troops, Cub Scout Packs, and Girl Scout Troops. The
price of each program includes a site license for the whole troop or pack."
Site also features software for Merit Badge Counselor tracking and unit
- Troop W.I.S.E. - Adult Training
Total package adult training for a boy-run troop. Are your adult volunteers
not sure about their role at meetings and campouts? Are you an SPL who can't
run a meeting without adult "intervention?"
- Web-Troop - Web
Based Troop Tracking System
"Web-Troop is your state-of-the-art Boy Scout troop management program.
With Web-Troop, adult leaders, boy leaders, comittee members, parents, virtually
anyone in the troop can update and access troop information. Information
that is as up-to-date as the moment it's input! "
- Wide Games Made Easy
Looking for an exciting event for your troop? Let this FREE resource be
your guide to well organized large scale unit level or district level events!
- Who Wants To Be An
Eagle Scout? Game
"It's the hit trivia game show "Who Wants To Be An Eagle Scout?™" for you
to play at home! Or use with a moderator as a troop meeting or camporee
activity. For one, two, or three players. Show off your knowledge of Boy
Scout history, skills, rank requirements, and general outdoor knowledge.
Video mirror to a big screen TV or overhead projector as a great addition
to a scout meeting, camporee or section conference!
Advancement Tracking Spreadsheets by
Scott Selhorst (right-click
on these links and save to your hard drive).
These spreadsheets track Cub Scout advancement under the current requirements.
Scouting Software at USSCOUTS.ORG
NOTE: The following links are to some very old files which may or may not still be usable.
We've kept the links, primarily for historical purposes, but do not guarantee the programs will be of any use.
- PC (Windows)
- Canada
Old Tracking Software 1994/1995
- Day Camp
Day Camp Managment program Version 1.0
- First Aid
Text file on First Aid by Ed Henderson
- PDA Software
Lots of software for Palms and PocketPC
- Pinewood Derby
Written by Paul L. Johnson - DOS Only
Program - Do Not Run in Windows
- Pinewood Derby Spider
SPIDER version 1.4 by Patrick Wiegand
-- Double-elimination race management program for Windows 3.x or Win95.
Developed especially for the Pinewood Derby!
- Macintosh
Page updated on:
October 30, 2014